Fast, Affordable Quit Claim Deeds & Ladybird Deeds

Do you need to add or remove a person from your property?

Many times, individuals wish to add a new spouse, sibling, parent, or child to their residence. The reasons why vary, but we are regularly asked to assist clients with preparing and recording deeds so that a person can be added or removed from title to a property. Specifically, we specialize in Quit Claim Deeds and Ladybird Deeds to streamline this process.

Here are some ways we can help:

  • Quit Claim Deeds: Need to quickly transfer property ownership? We can simplify the process, especially for family transfers or correcting title errors.
  • Ladybird Deeds: Want to ensure your property passes directly to your beneficiaries without probate? We help to retain control of your property during your lifetime while ensuring a smooth transfer upon your passing.
  • Recently married? We can help add your spouse to the title.
  • Recently divorced? We can help remove your ex from the title.

Whether you need a quit claim deed, a warranty deed, a life estate deed, or a Ladybird Deed – we can help!

We prepare deeds and record them for one reasonable flat fee!

Call us today to discuss your deed needs.

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